About Us

So about Brick SpaceTM…well, me.

It all started at the launch of the Lego® Technic Ultimate Super Car Series with the Porsche 42056 back in 2016. This set alone dragged me out of my dark ages. A model that I was immediately awestruck by, filling a nostalgic void left by never having the finances for the original dream Technic super car set 8880.

This was on another level.

LEGO® then out did themselves a couple of years later with the Chiron and I was fully hooked again.

To come back to my child hood hobby after twenty odd years and discovering the progress in design that has occurred during that time has been astonishing. The level of detail, the complexity, the fact models have curves, modern sets strike me more as works of art than toys.

Consequentially and not really having the finances to justify it, I’ve found myself religiously buying every official release, along with slowly collecting the pieces for the incredible McLaren P1 MOC by Brunojj1.

But with each new set featuring an ever increasing piece count, complexity and time commitment to build it, I’ve found the latest sets going unbuilt and are sat gathering dust in the attic.

This coupled with the birth of my son a couple of years ago, has meant free time has completely vanished.

I never believed it, but it is true what every parent says that you never have any free time with kids!

At least that’s what I thought, but the screen time reports my phone joyously depresses me with on a weekly basis, would suggest I do. Apparently wasting hours upon hours doom scrolling my life away.

So I set about doing something about it

As I work in a small plastics manufacturing factory and doing a bit of design here and there, I figured I’d try and come up with some sort of storage unit that could re-establish the LEGO® fix I was missing and make doom scrolling a thing of the past.

It would need to have multiple separate compartments to organise and store the individual bags from each stage of a build. With the essential feature being a way to securely and quickly shut them away when inevitably free time gets cut short.

And so the Build StationTM was born and with it, Brick SpaceTM established.

All in the hope that what I’ve been working on reaches and is of interest to fellow LEGO® fans.

LEGO® fans who perhaps find themselves in a similar position to me, who just enjoy the LEGO® build experience and think creating MOC’s is best left to the experts.

Who knows, some may even be freed from their dark ages also, given there can no longer be the excuse of not having the time or space to reconnect with the Lego® experience.

Thanks for your interest!


Build | Free